What is competition?

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to read another one of my blog entries, I hope you find this one useful and helpful with your art journey.
I wanted to talk about ” competition ” Early on in my art career I discovered something about competition that truly helped my career grow and help project me forward. 
What I discovered was not only life changing but helped me become known in my art field. This discovery is a very simple thing, and it is this.
The only competition you have is yourself! That’s it, simple and to the point. There are hundreds of thousands of  artist in the world, some more advanced than others, some with greater success than others and some with far less art success. However when you stop looking at others artist out in the world or within your community, you will find that you can create and explore your art in a new free minded way that opens so many doors to you and your artistic journey.  

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