Hi Everyone,
Thank you for taking the time to read another one of my blog entries, I will do my best to keep these short and sweet and to the point.
So today I wanted to talk about a topic I have dealt with many times, when you find yourself at a crossroads and your asking the question of ” What’s Next? ” Where do I go from here, what should be my next move? etc.
When you find yourself at this point, get excited because these are very important and pivotal moments when literally the skies the limit.
Now I am not by any means saying you should completely turn your world upside down, no not at all, what I am saying is these moments work like a reset button! Moments like these are what makes the future exciting because you can simply say ” Ok from this moment forward I will now be focusing on ……. “
The types of resets really help you get back on track and moving in the right direction again. I know for me whenever I have these types of reset, what’s next moments I get excited because I always feel like I am closing a page in one chapter of my journey as an artist and starting to write the next, and that is very very exciting.
So if you are having one of these moments, take a deep breath, exhale with relief in knowing this is the fun beginning to a new chapter in your own journey and you have full control of how it will play out!
That’s it, I hope this was helpful to you all, and if you found this to be useful please remember to follow me on all my social platforms especially my Youtube channel as I am working hard to make that my primary source to sharing all I have learned and experiences with all of you!
Cheers and happy creating!
Tony V